About Us

About Us

Best Health Consult LLC provides high-quality, timely and value-adding clinical, implementation research, reports and manuscript development services, and training in research, report and manuscript development.

Best Health Consult in addition provides consulting services in research and data management, report writing and manuscript development, book and article publication, etc.

Reach out to us to learn more of what we do and how we do them.

Our Vision

Excellent Health Outcomes

Our Mission

To improve health systems AND structures through cutting-edge strategies and solutions resulting in improved health outcomes, life expectancy, and quality of life.

Core values


BHC adds value to individuals, organizations and institutions.

Precision and Accuracy

BHC is both precise and accurate.

Quality in Service

BHC works to deliver high quality outputs, outcomes, benefits and impacts to clients.

Innovation and Creativity

BHC is continuously reinventing itself to ensure high level of innovation and creativity in service delivery.

Guiding Principles include

Equity and Fairness

Equity and fairness should be felt and lived, and not just talked about. BHC works to ensure equity and fairness. 


Accessible and Affordable

Every human being has the inalienable right to good, prompt and affordable healthcare, education, food, water, clothing, social services, and accommodation. BHC works to translate this from articles of faith to expressions of reality in the lives of all.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Technology is the language of the present and the way to the future. BHC incorporates machine learning and artificial intelligence concepts.

At Best Health Care

  • We help individuals and organizations achieve their goals and objectives.
  • We do things in unique and innovative ways.
  • We believe there is yet much more to be done, and we work to do our best to make the world a better place.

Our Service

Our Core Team

Dr Obinna O Oleribe (Executive Director)

Dr. Ochi Akwiwu-Ibe (ADVISOR)

Dr. Okey C. Nwanyanwu (Technical Director)

Ms. Eucheria Ekwenugo (Member)

Ms. Princess Osita-Oleribe (Member)

Ms. Rebecca Jackson (Admin)







